Onslow County Tourism Hospitality Service Award Program
Onslow County Tourism’s Service Rewards Program is a crown jewel in our program of work. Tourism is constantly striving to tell our area’s story as a destination to discover. However, we are rarely able to greet those visitors face to face. Through our Service Reward Program, we can highlight and honor the front-line staff that makes the biggest difference in a consumer and visitor’s experience.
Onslow County Tourism selects three individuals to honor each month for their exemplary hospitality and helpfulness to visitors that come to our area to enjoy restaurants, attractions and events in Onslow County. These individuals are the face of our community and welcome our visitors, helping to make them feel important and appreciated. Their actions can influence longer stays, return stays, or referrals for friends and family to visit as well. These individuals are chosen through nominations and "secret shopper" evaluations.
Out of these nominations, three worthy honorees are chosen each month, between January to November and are automatically entered into a drawing at the end of the year for a $500 Visa Gift Card.
Our Hospitality Person of the Year is selected through a nomination process from our tourism partners. The individual selected will be honored at the Jacksonville Onslow County Chamber Annual Meeting held in February. The winner will also participate in the Annual Christmas Holiday Parade in Jacksonville, NC that takes place the Saturday before Thanksgiving.
List of 2024 Hospitality Service Award Honorees